Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Sebelum tu sia meminta maaf sama Si KK kerana mempublish gambar ini tanpa kebenaran...hehe...Ok bah kan K!...cuma nak ka c tingo hasil kerja sia sija bah...kalau ko mo saman pun saaa..mannn lah.....AHAKS!!!.......

Sanggilan Poyo....

Rimbai Nu Murut
Guangku mangkada-kada...mengkada-kada diun du malud inoh...Sangiran oku odou noh ka mangkada-kada....eeeee...EEEEEEEE....!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Terlepeh tadi

Ta' lupa dibilang c alim kahkahkahakhka sebenarnya maksudnya "terlupa" bukan Tak lupa wat a words......

Cikidieeee....adedededede DEH!

Si Bujal & Princess...hehehe


Just giVe me a LiTtle ExpreSsion wilL make me HAppy!!!


Jan tidak tau budak-budak nie sumua adalah BLOOD MIXED lebih daripada 2, 3 bangsa ahaks! Next Generations katakan hehehehe


Baby Asyreen hehehehe....tersilap blog nih! tidakkk dadi dia yang suruh ks masuk dlm ini belog ahaks!

Cewek Library....

Bakal Supermodelling.....hehehe! opsss dik! jan peluk tiang tu alalalalaaaa....

Biarpun gaya mengancam! budak tetap budak buktinya tuuu...masih pigang belon hehe...dan tiang lampu belakang mengacaulah...macam tongkat marching pula.

Yang lasttttt......No komen...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gurly Girls

Puyooo. punya penat mau kasi atur dorang nie...akhirnya ginilah jadinya sampai logo libri pun telindung baru sia perasan..

Ahaks hampir telupa

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Mobyn's

Ish..ish..ish si Azie nih... kalau bunga tu wangi tidak apa lah juga...silap-silap penyengat yang cium kauhhh ahaks!


Uiiiii....mesranya....tapi belakang jan tarik-tarik rambut yer..Bah!

Clique! Ewahhh.....!!!!!

Azieeee.....!!!!????? lain macam jer bilon yang ko pigang tuh ahaks!!!!


Dorang : Eh!eh! tingo kenapa angkol Lulu nie, tiba-tiba macam mau mengampai pingsan!!!

C Lulu : Surprise!!!!!.....Clique!!!!! aha padan muka kamu! sekarang sia sudah dapat gambar lubang idung kamu sumua kahakhakahkah...!!!!!! akan ku masukkan ka dalam internet huahuahahaha.....warghhhhhh....!!!!!!

Sandakan's Miss Beauty Contest 80's

This is our Boss....full of charming, remarkable and so on bla..bla..bla.
Hehehe...jan marah ah bosss....di mana tumpah kuah kalau bukan ke nasi hehe bertuah badan! Just kidding!!!!.....

The Siblings beauty Contest

Hehe.. jan marah ah bosss!!!!


Mula-mula tujuannya mau bili Komputer konon sekali tenampak ini benda terus rambang mata. Apa laie Zuppp.....ler..., komputer????? nantilah dulu pasal capat rosak!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Trio

Regina, Kacylina And Jude!

I'm so boringlah.....

Kacy On Posing!!!

No other than....

Super Model From India Ahaks! Regina On Posing

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mister Vincy!


Lil' Totil

OOOOOwwwwwwww.............malas na sia....!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


senyum, senyum jan tak senyummmmm.... gambar kamu tu sedang dipergunakan skrang kahkhakah!!!!. Gaduh-gaduh gitu siap tarik-tarik rambut laiee....tapi part nie kometmen derang cukup tinggi tapi lepeh tu.....dorang berbaik-baik kahkahkahkahkah.....yalah lepeh begadu mesti bebaik-baik, tak gitu?!

Sumazau girlz!

Hehe...Keiiiii heiiiiiii.....!!!!

It was performed by the students of primary six from Kg. Langsat, Runnow!!!. How cute looking little dancers. But I prefered the first dancer because she is my lil' modelling.

Mata mata kaiyou!!!!

Dia lagi!!!! opps...batpa mau marah sendiri yang kasi masuk hehe....
Acctually this is my best among the best friend ever ( satu bumbung rumahlah! ). He was trying to (ex)pose his 'tough' body but I couldn't do that, I'm so sorry about that my friend cause it makes me SICK! kahkahkah....!!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Japp and his best friend@my modelling

Here, I would like to introducing my favourite Immortal mabelline modelling and besides her is new hubby ahaks! Ah! Forget it!. She's wearing a traditional KadazanDusun custome ( To whom didn't know about this thing! kahkahkah!). It was taken before Tadau Kaamatan Harvest festival. Look at her lips, she was trying to says something important! ( Oh ! I won't be your Stupid Modelling indeed! please release let me goooo.....!!!!)

From mother to daughter

Ahah! this is the real one!
taken at the backyard of Perpustakaan Wilayah Keningau recently. There's no special about this pix but honestly she was a little MAGPIE!! KAHKAHKAH!! So please don't disturb her in all situations. If not paham-paham sajalah...

Did you have Locomotive driving licence?

Malaslah beringglis2 nih kalau cun tidak palah juga.
Nihlah satu2nya keretapi yang wujud di Keningau dan tidak akan pupus selagi library ini tidak mengalami kepupusannya! 30 tahun? 50 tahun? anak c rita yang paling kecik kalau berpiut pun masih boleh digunakan kahkahkah! persetankan semua itu.

So lazylah to write2 in English this, if good never mind too. This is the one and only fire car exist in Keningau. It will not extict if this library still not extict itself! 30 years? 50 years? rita's little kids if has greatgreatgreatgrandson too still can use it kahkahkha! Let it to the Devil overall that.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Young Rita ( The Young Ones )

More than 50 years ago, but I still keep this one as a very very lovely photo. Haha! just kidding this is a little tricks composed and editted by Corel Photopaint, you also can use others professional platform such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoimpact, jasc photopaint or simply tool like unlead photo for the amateur users to compose this effect. But, the creative ideas are needed to designs and creates something like it I guess lah. perhhh...

The Cousins

one of my favourite pix, captured illegally from internet but never mind it's just for moment testing ahaks!